We want to hear from you.

Have we included within our Vision for Northam Town Council the most important projects for our Community?

Actions will have to be prioritised. “Your Money”, will have to be managed effectively and efficiently to deliver the best outcomes for everyone.

You can help by reviewing the Vision document (SEE BELOW) If you think we have missed something, this is your opportunity to comment, or, please say “YES” if you agree that the Vision for the next 3 years is on the right track. Please send your views to or Northam Town Council. Town Hall, Windmill Lane, Northam, EX39 1BY


Vision Statement Updated May 2022

Northam, Appledore & Westward Ho! is a community that values its people, heritage, open spaces, beaches, and extends a warm welcome to all visitors.

Principles: To become a more inclusive Town Council emerging from the Pandemic better and stronger.



What we want to achieve to improve the quality of life for the entire Community.

Deliver the Neighbourhood Plan to ensure that Northam Town Council can influence how our area develops in a way which recognises the needs and aspirations of all our Community. We continue to make progress with this.
Deliver the Climate Emergency Action Plan to be Carbon Neutral in our buildings and to strive to influence all the community of Northam Appledore and Westward Ho! to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030 and
increase biodiversity in the Council’s open spaces and generally, as part of the Council’s responsibilities. We have moved ahead at a fast pace with this. our latest achievement is to install solar panels on Northam Hall.
Ensure tree planting and flowers shrubs and vegetables are prolific within our parks and open spaces. We are currently working on these matters in Appledore Park and Lords Meadow. Westward Ho! Park has had a significant planting including vegetables.
Deliver the Westward Ho! Park project working with Friends of Westward Ho! Park (FOTWHOP). We have achieved phase 1 (the children's play area) and are now working on Phase 2 and 3, the pavilion and the tennis courts.


Consider a community Energy Scheme by utilising grant funding for a feasibility study. We are not proceeding with this as there is no appetite from larger premises that we contacted.
In partnership, deliver homes for rent for local families. Also consider a project to develop a community hub in the centre of Northam providing a combination of office space, workstations, coffee shop and/ or rented housing. These projects are very ambitious but will remain on the vision statement.
Initiate Youth projects: Engaging with schools, encouraging youth engagement in community issues. This has yet to be achieved due to problems with Covid. The Mayor's cadet for 2021/22 was very willing to take this forward.
Promote buy/shop local to make our community more resilient and our local businesses sustainable for future years. Support and promote local festivals: May Fair, book festival, food festival, Kite festival, Sunset festival, Christmas Festivals et al. Regular farmers market. The provision of the shop local shopping bags has been very successful. Regretfully festivals have not materialised as the previous promotor can no longer be involved. We will look to appointing someone to run them in the future.
Celebrate and promote the cultural and historical heritage of our area – develop a heritage trail, create leaflets for walks. We are working on leaflets. This matter is in progress.


Engage with partners to actively establish a network of cycle paths linking our villages and into our neighbouring town of Bideford. This is being pursued by "Active Travel". We contribute information.
Build on Covid volunteer schemes to engage with TTVS scheme to offer a telephone “Stay in touch” befriending service. Age UK has a "Silver Line" programme which matches volunteers with those wanting to chat. We will endeavour to promote this.
Maximise use of the Town Hall and Northam Community Hall to promote opportunities for retraining, skills and digital technology development working in partnership with Job Centre Plus, Petroc and DCC. This has not been progressed. Since the return of Covid Northam Hall is almost fully booked. However, this idea will be retained on the vision statement.
Host an annual event to celebrate the work of the entire community, their achievements, and contributions. This will be linked with the Awards for the Community Champions and will now be progressed following the reduction in the covid problems.
Awards for community champions.


How we will achieve our actions: - "Listen consult and involve".


OUR VISION has the potential to help build a more sustainable, self-reliant community of collaboration, connection and strong sense of collective purpose.’



By improving communication with our community by building on networks established during the Covid emergency and engaging with our established partners that have helped in past years. Also, by continuous website development, improved use of social media and newsletters.
By continuing to deliver projects that benefit the entire community.
By using the public purse, ensuring that we achieve good value. taking up every opportunity to secure outside grants and funding streams to achieve the vision of the community.
By developing partnerships with District and County Councils and the voluntary sector to enhance the range of services/projects that the Town Council cannot achieve in isolation.