Theme | Objective | Strategy | Actions |
Deliver excellent services which are efficient and effective and meet the needs of the strategic vision. | Provide an organisational and governance structure which has the capacity to service the administration of the Council. | Evaluate the roles and responsibilities of all council employees to develop a modern and sustainable organisational structure. | Engaging with our contracted employment specialists, undertake a review of Council’s staff and its staffing structure. |
Review the governance and operational structure of the Council. | In conjunction with the above action, Schedule a series of Review Committee meetings to undertake this and any other tasks identified by that committee. |
Provide a well-trained maintenance team to deliver a range of services across the Town Council area. | To continue to provide an excellent grounds and premises maintenance service for the Council and wider community. | Evaluate the activities and outcomes of the team alongside an agreed maintenance plan(s) for land and premises for which the Town Council has responsibility. |
Build a stronger and more resilient community. | Improve community and road safety. | Maintain close links with outside bodies that are responsible for community and road safety, including (but not limited to): Devon and Cornwall Police and Crime Commissioner, Devon and Cornwall Police, Devon County Council and Torridge District Council. | 1. Appoint a Councillor-Police Advocate. 2. Re-establish the Speedwatch initiative locally. 3. “20’s Plenty” for our schools. 4. Investigate CCTV or video coverage in and around our community. 5. Improve accessibility across the community, to include the provision of dropped kerbs as appropriate. |
Reduce the impacts of deprivation on our communities. | Respond to the cost of living crisis. | 1. Work with local food banks and others to improve access for those needing assistance. Assess viability of providing transport to, or a local space for such centres. Investigate and consider the various models of provision to ensure the best fit for Northam and the wider community. |
In partnership, improve the provision of homes for rent for local families. | 1. Review the operation and applicability of Community Land Trusts. 2. Maximise the benefits from early engagement with the allocation of Section 106 developer contributions for our community. 2. Support, through the Planning Committee and the Northam Neighbourhood Plan, the provision of socially rented and affordable dwellings. |
Improve amenity, recreation and sporting provision across the Northam Town area. | Deliver phased, continual improvements to the facilities. | Complete the Westward Ho! Park project working with Friends of Westward Ho! Park (FOTWHOP), including: · the renovation the Pavilion building as a community facility, · the renovation of a sensory garden, · the completion of the tennis courts, · the completion of a changing place facility, · the provision of a hard-surface play / recreational sport area. |
Devise a forward-looking plan for Anchor Park play equipment and surface replacement. |
Complete the re-surfacing of Wren Close play area and devise a forward-looking plan for the replacement of the equipment. |
Complete the repair of Lords Meadow wooden play structures and Football provision and devise a forward-looking plan for the replacement of the equipment. |
Deliver a timetable with reference to the asset management plan for the repair, maintenance and replacement of facilities at: Northam Hall |
Deliver a timetable with reference to the asset management plan for the repair, maintenance and replacement of facilities at: Anchor Park Lords Meadow Churchfields Skate Park Wren Close play area Appletree gardens play area Ridgeway Drive play area Burrough Farm ‘Tadworthy’ amenity and allotment space on Golf Links Rd. |
Maintain a comprehensive register of the community’s assets (including buildings, structures, play equipment and street furniture) | Manage Northam Hall in a sustainable way. | Review the forward-looking plan for the replacement of the Hall roof, to include the increased coverage of Solar PV and roof-space insulation. |
Bus Shelters and street furniture. | 1. With partners, maintain and improve the stock and provision of bus shelters, to include green-roofed as appropriate. 2. Maintain the provided benches, bins and recycling, dog bins. |
Allotments. | Review the provision, with reference to the guidance to provide twenty 250m2 allotments per 1,000 people. |
Burial grounds and cemeteries. | Work in partnership with others, including the burial authority and diocese to review the need and identify areas that could be used for cemetery space. |
Maintenance facilities premises. | Review the accommodation needs of the Council’s Maintenance Team. |
Initiate projects to promote inclusion and inclusivity across our community | Working with partners and other agencies to reach the ‘hard to reach’ members of our community. | 1. Initiate Youth projects, building on current activity with local schools across all ages. Engaging with schools and colleges encouraging youth participation in community issues. 2. Initiate projects to reach existing volunteer and active organisations. 3. Engaging with established providers, promote projects to reach older members of the community. |
Promote local shopping and services. | Maintain a long-term aspiration to establish a community hub in the Parish, with the potential to provide a combination of office space, workstations, coffee shop and/or rented housing. |
Explore, with relevant partners (working Job Centre Plus, Petroc, TDC and DCC, for example), the use of the Town Hall and Northam Hall to promote community activities, including opportunities for retraining, skills and digital technology development. |
Promote local and community events. | 1. Host an annual event to celebrate the work of the entire community, their achievements, and contributions. 2. Celebrate and promote the cultural and historical heritage of our area. 3. Awards for Community Champions. |
In consultation with the community, strengthen the role of the Council and community in the planning process | Deliver the Northam Neighbourhood Plan in accordance with national and local guidance and with reference to advice received. | 1. Complete the final stages of the process to Make the Northam Neighbourhood Plan, following a successful pre-submission consultation. |
Strengthen environmental protection and sustainability. | Working towards NET zero carbon emissions in Northam Town Council activities | Continue to deliver the Climate Emergency Action Plan. | 1. Reduce carbon emissions at the Council’s building(s) to include but not limited to extending the solar array on Northam Hall, review the heating system, improve insulation. 2. Reduce carbon emissions from Maintenance activities. Increase the use of electric and rechargeable battery powered equipment is sourced to replace worn out petrol powered units. Consideration given to EV trucks when Council vehicles need to be replaced. |
Strive to influence the community to achieve Carbon Neutrality. | 1. Sharing of home carbon footprint calculator, encouraging the community to consider and reduce the areas combined carbon footprint. 2. Engage with community organisations such as schools, housing associations and the private sector. |
Increase and improve biodiversity | Continue to implement a landscape and biodiversity management plan for the Council’s land and properties. | 1. Ensure the planting of a wide range of plants, including trees to increase the attractiveness of our open spaces and to encourage birds, insects and other wildlife. 2. Plant drought resistant varieties and species where possible. |
Improve connectivity and mobility – both physical and technological. | Improved public transport services | Working with Devon County Council, Torridge District Council and service providers to increase the effectiveness of current routes. | |
Working with Devon County Council, Torridge District Council and service providers to identify new routes to support new and recent housing developments. | Seek early involvement in Section 106 and utilise other sources of funding to assist with the provision of these services. |
Improved pedestrian and cycling routes – Active Travel | Support for the Devon County Council Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP). | Cycling: Northam Town Council approved and provided funding towards the production of the Barnstaple, Bideford and Northam LCWIP. |
Public Rights of Way (PROWs): Northam Town Council receives funding from Devon County Council and is provided with rights to maintain local PROWs (other than the South West Coast Path). |
Pavements: Improve accessibility across the community, to include the provision of dropped kerbs as appropriate. |
Improved private transport infrastructure | Improved access to EV charge points and the emerging low-emission vehicle infrastructure. | Promote the installation of suitable private and public charge point infrastructure on new developments through the Section 106 developer contribution process. |
Review of local car parking. | The review is to encompass residential, on-street and in car parks. |